Line Marking in Cold Stores
There can be several issues to overcome when applying floor marking in chilled warehouses. The main ones being the amount of time needed for standard paints to dry at temperatures below 0 degrees, and the possibility of having to empty complete areas of produce to prevent contamination.
Issues such as these can cause major downtime with areas having to be closed off for anything up to 48 hours, a real problem for live operations, particularly if they have to re-coat lines at regular intervals due to the markings fading.
At Warehouse Floor Marking Ltd, we use the latest materials and installation techniques available to avoid these issues. Firstly, we ensure the durability of the new markings by preparing the surface to be painted, often by using vacuum shot blast machines. This process involves firing tiny metal beads at the floor surface to remove any seal or surface contamination. It also leaves an open surface for the paint to key with. This is a captive system which minimises dust and debris.

As the name suggests, the shot blasting unit is connected to a large vacuum which collects all the dust & debris produced by the process. Once the area has been prepared, it is then covered with a magnetic roller to ensure all the metal beads have been removed before painting. This means that vacuum shot blasting is not a messy process and is perfectly safe to be carried out in food production or storage areas.
Once the surface has been prepared, we then install the markings using the most up to date and food safe materials available to ensure they are durable and more importantly can be used within a few hours of being installed.
We find this is of huge benefit to our clients who need to improve the line markings within their facility but can not close off areas for hours on end.